The Story Behind Sweet Tea

Made of simple, yet at one time luxury, ingredients - tea, sugar, and ice - the origins of sweet tea are long-debated, but one thing remains certain: sweet tea is ubiquitous across the American South. 

As such, it seemed only fitting that this classic cooler should be represented in our line-up of Southern-inspired candles. And, in fact, Sweet Tea was Jackson Rose's very first candle. 

Our scent is based on our favorite recipe, which adds a touch of lemon and fresh garden mint. Like the drink, we think you'll find our Sweet Tea a refreshing (and possibly a little addicting) addition to your kitchen, porch, or anywhere you serve your guests. 

Sweet Tea 

Boil 4 cups of water

Add 2 cups of sugar, stir and boil until dissolved

Add 12 tea bags (black tea) to a large pitcher

Pour water & sugar mixture over tea bags, cover, and steep for 10 minutes

Remove tea bags & let cool

Fill pitcher with cold water, pour over glass of ice, garnish with lemon wedge and sprig of mint & enjoy!